Selasa, 03 Maret 2009


wake up everyone, how can we sleep at the time like this?
-Jason Mraz

hahahaha ohmygod im so boring rightnow. just online and online
but ohmygod why the boys did silly things nowadays?! they ask me about something that i couldn't answer it immidiately, so weird ya know.

hmm okay talking about why i didnt post something to this blog again from so long time ago (lebay). yeah its all because i've got so much activities, those are school, study, dance, and everything hhhhhhhh been busy yeah

oh ya, i will go to java jazz festival on friday yeeeeea! who will also be there anyway? meet me, okay hihihi
my very prime purpose to watch jjf is to watch JASON MRAZ ooooooh ya know he's so cool so so so hooooot! oh i love him very much, ah can't wait to meet him on friday!!!!!!!!!!!

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