Selasa, 07 April 2009

whatever happens, life must go on, right?

yesterday reminded me to the hardest part of my life. ya, when i was online my msn, i was kind of mercy up when my friends' personal message were, " if i had a chance to meet my mom, i'll hug you as long as i can until my tears gone, love you"

so, i talk to him. I told him that his personal message just like what i feel too. and he was kind of little bit startled that i do. and i was more startled than him when he said, "tapi lo udah pernah ketemu kan?"


and then i knew that his mom passed away when gave him birth... such a breaking heart story, isn' it?
so, after i heard his story, i felt very very grateful that God gave me (altough it was short in time) unforgettable time with my beloved Mom until i was seventh, and it was nine years ago. And every moments of that will always in my mind, and nothing can change it.

I do believe that God always has good ways for us, even it hurts, but it must be the best for us. So i'm trying to be sincerely of everything that happened in my life. I'm trying to not having the blues of my Mom's gone. I always trying to be more stronger and mature everyday. Be grateful of everything that God gives to me.

And I believe that every life is wonderful, thank God! and big thanks to Anggi, for your willingness to share your story which is very inspiring me, you're such a great boy.

Sabtu, 04 April 2009


heyya, i just stuck in my house this sunday and my family are going fishing ha ha so i won't go with them and of course because i have a private study course in afternoon (just like every sunday ya know)
hemmm okay in the morning i hadn't thing to do, so i opened my dvd collection and i saw "Jumper" dvd and it was like it said "hey, watch me and you'll loose your boring!" so, because that's one of my favourite movie all time, i watched it.

i wish i'm in rachel bilson's position at that time haha

and yeah very interesting, even i've watched it more than twice and i didn't press the "fast forward" button until the ending of the movie hahaha,
so, do you have any recommendation about the other movies like jumper? hmm tell me and i'll watch it!

Kamis, 02 April 2009


alhamdulillah ya, akhirnya dari seminggu yang ketunda, Senin kemarin hasil LTUB diumumin juga. dan Addle Brain juara duaaaaaaaaa yeah wah pokoknya kita seneng banget deh ya nggak nyangka aja gitu pas gladi resik ancur parah, malah pas hari H pasukan 8 nya sampe freestyle segala gara gara formasinya kebalik (thanks ya singgih) hahahahaha

tembok barunya jelek ya belom di cat haha

Gue juga masih inget banget hari senin seminggu yang lalu di kelas Jerman Ridho bilang gini, "Eh, gue udah nggak sabar nih pengen megang piala" hahahaha yakin banget nggak sih dia? tapi ya alhamdulillah kesampean deh yajuara duaaaa!

terus selain juara dua kita dapet kelas yg sportif loh udah gitu dibacain nya yang paling pertama lagi hihihi asik kan.
sportif dongggggggg

Oke pokoknya selamat ya buat x1 yang juara 1 sama buat x2, x4, x5, x6 buat semua yang kalian dapet. Kita semua hebat deh ya hahahaha

dan mungkin tanpa LTUB nggak akan ada yang kayak gini,


waaaaaaah makasih banget deh buat kakak kakak icons, jangan lupa ya nanti ke dufan nya wahahahaha sepuluh tiga paling oke deh yaaaaa